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Skin Mantras

skincare mantras


Imperfections are just an imperfect word for real skin. *Founder’s choice
I am amazed by my skin’s ability to transform.
I am grateful for my skin’s regenerating power.
I see beauty every time I look in the mirror.
I am the architect of my complexion.
I nurture my thoughts, and in return, they nourish my skin.
The love I feel for myself radiates through my skin.
I am mindful of my diet, as food choices reflect on my skin.
I am on a transforming journey with my skin, and every day is progress.
I feel comfortable and confident in my skin.
Every night, I give my skin the sleep it needs to rejuvenate.
I release all anxiety, allowing my skin to breathe and glow.
I am committed to a routine that upholds my skin’s health.
I am the embodiment of timeless beauty.

Unlock a new mantra


In a world where beautiful skin equates to flawlessness, our perception of how real skin actually looks is distorted. In our pursuit for perfection, we lose sight of its natural features such as pores, freckles or texture, as well as the changes it can go through.

Spots, scars, redness or wrinkles are just real skin’s journey and constantly labeling them as imperfections only leads to a negative attitude towards our skin.

This negative perception can deeply affect our self-esteem and, surprisingly, our skin’s health, as it often mirrors our inner thoughts and emotions. When we constantly criticize and stress over our skin’s appearance not fitting unrealistic standards, it can exacerbate existing issues and hinder its ability to maintain balance.

Seen Beauty is advocating for a change.

While improvement is desirable, it’s essential to give your skin the time it needs to heal and regenerate, loving it every step of the way. Being conscious of it’s natural evolution fosters a healthier relationship with ourselves and enhances our overall well-being. It’s a process, not a battle

So, it’s time to embrace your natural features and normalize the stages your skin is going through. All you need to do is support it with the right products and a positive mentality. Change will follow, both outer and inner.

Mantras in skincare

A mantra is an instrument of the mind used to activate a particular kind of energy in a specific part of the body. We can benefit from their effective force even in our skincare routine, using them as a way to reduce stress, promote healing and cultivate a positive mindset towards our skin.

Silent Repetition during gentle movements used to get products into your skin help keep the mind in a positive state and focused on your goal, creating a deep mind-skin connection. This helps align your thoughts with your desired outcomes and potentially manifest them into reality.
Spoken or chanted, they help direct the healing power of Prana (life force energy) towards your skin. Any sound requires breath, and Prana is the energy behind every piece of speech.
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